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Four German sail planes destroyed by fire near Lønstrup
24/6 1943.
The aircrafts belonged to Fl.Pl.Kdo. A 7/XI and was coded ?
T/o NA Op: NA.
Grunau-Baby serial number 125, 10429, 2305 and Kranish serial number 624 was
100% destroyed due to a fire, as was a Danish owned sail plane.
The fire in the hangar that was owned by “Dansk Svæveflyveunion” was observed at
02:30 hours in the morning. Luftwaffe had rented the hangar that was located
near Maarup old church and used it to hangar three single seat and one double
seat sail planes used for training. A team of Luftwaffe soldiers had been
training on 23/6 and had just left for Frederikshavn in the evening.
The hangar was therefore unmanned as it was only used when the weather was fit
for sail flying.
When the Danish police searched the tomb it became clear that the fire had been
started on purpose as the remains of a fire was found next to the Kranish.
The Danish police investigated the matter but those responsibly for the fire
were never caught.
Sources: RL 2 III/775, AS 43-236.
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