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Fi 156 Storch crashed near Thyborøn 17/4 1943.
The aircraft belonged to 11/ NJG 3 and was coded KG+NA.
T/o Thyborøn. Op: Flight to Grove.
On 16/4 Oberleutnant Köberich with passengers Wop Unteroffizier Heidenrich and
Engineer Feldwebel Kramell took off from Fliegerhorst Grove at 16:04 hours for a
21 minutes flight to Thyborøn where Radar „Lama“ was located. The official
purpose for the flight was to get familiar with the radar station work. The more
unofficial part was a date with some of the female personnel.
When the trio took of for the return flight on the next day Köberich did not
notice a telephone wire. When he tried to avoid it the Storck lost speed and
height and the wheels touched some railroad tracks and the aircraft ended up
standing on its nose in a small pond.
The pond was only about a ½ metre deep and local Luftwaffe personnel soon got
the unharmed crew out of the aircraft and carried them to dry land. They
returned to Grove by car as the Storch was found to be 30% damaged.
Sources: Heidenrich Flugbuch, CP, Christian Olesen of Thyborøn.
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