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Ju 88A-5 serial number 0446 crashed at Fliegerhorst
Kastrup 5/3 1943.
The aircraft belonged to Blindflugschule 4 coded CF+UT.
T/o Kastrup. Op: Training.
The Ju 88 took off at 07:55 hours and suffered an engine failure.
When it reached 10 metres altitude it stalled and crashed into the Øresund
approximately 100 metres north of Hammers Krudthus killing the crew of four.
The crew were Flying Instructor Unteroffizier Franz Mayrhofer, Wop Instructor
Unteroffizier Adolf Müller, Student Pilot Unteroffizier Georg Hadrich and
Student Wop Ludwig Nagel.
They were all laid to rest in Bispebjerg-København cemetery on 9/3 1943 at 11:00
Their remains have later been disinterred and moved to København Vestre
The aircraft was a 100% loss.
The funeral of Wop Instructor Unteroffizier Adolf Müller
Sources: WASt, RL 2 III/1187, VDK, Flugbuch Eberhöh.
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