Airwar over Denmark

Airwar over Denmark

 By Søren C. Flensted

Combat on 29-30 August 1944

Night of 29/30 August 1944

Black is from TW claim list. Blue is confirmed crashes / crashes reported from DK ground. Red is reports from allied a/c. Purple is authers comments

Combat/crash/claim Time References
Lancaster PB379 “E2” 460 Squadron attacked by German fighter just before the east coats of Jutland outbound No time given

(AIR 24/303)

Lancaster LH184 90 Sqn crashed Aalestrup App.
(LBUK+FT+Wasik via Søren Ulrich)
Lancaster PA163 300 Sqn crashed Lovns Bredning Bay App.  23:30

(LBUK+FT+Wasik via Søren Ulrich)

Hptm. Johann Dreher: 1       6./NJG3          4-mot             LA (S. to S.E. Randers) 2.500 m 23.30 TW.
Lancaster HL375 463 Sqn attacked by Ju88 at 7000 ft 5625N 1225E     (LE) 23:32 (AIR 50/266)
Lancaster PB202 582 Sqn crashed Førby Heath 00:01 (LBUK, Witness)   # 1
Lancaster ND957 49 Sqn attacked by JU 88 at 5617N 1308E     (LG-MG over Sweden) 00:0 (AIR 50/187)
Uffz. Bruno Rupp: 12     4./NJG3      4-mot        JR-35 (Förby Heath, W. Thisted) 3.600 m 00.01 TW.  582 Sqn Lancaster PB202  # 1
Ofw. Schmitt, or Schmitz: 1  3./NJG7          4-mot             LT (W to S.W. Viborg) 3.500 m 00.05 TW
Lancaster LM690 50 Sqn attacked by Ju 88 at 5003N 1407E   (Praha ????) 00:05 (AIR 50/188)
Fw. Keller, or Heller: 1         2./NJG7          4-mot             LG     (Over Sweden): 2.300 m 00.09 TW
Lancaster PB143 514 Sqn  crashed Ingerslev  ( KA) 00:10 (LBUK+FT)
Lancaster ME718 115 sqn crashed Ove (KU-KA) 00:10 (LBUK)    # 5
Lancaster “H” 635 Sqn attacked by 210 at 14000 ft at 5642N 1008E    (KA) 00:10 (AIR 50/288)
Ofw. Schmitt, or Schmitz: 2  3./NJG7          4-mot             LT ( Viborg area) 2.500 m. 00.10 TW
Lt. Appel: 1   1./NJG7          4-mot             LT-JT ( Viborg-Lögstör area) 3.800 m 00.10 TW
Oblt. Fritz Brandt: 4             Stab II./NJG3 Lancaster       LU (SW Randers) 1.800 m 00.12 TW
Lancaster LM187 90 Sqn attacked by Ju 88 at 5607N 1419E 9000 ft  (Swedish east coast near Kristianstad) 00:13 (AIR 50/199+27/737)
Lancaster PD257 300 Sqn reports 4 eng. a/c in flames. Exploted on ground. 5645N 0958E (KU) 00:13 (AIR 27/1658)  # 5
Lancaster ?? 635 Sqn attacked by fighter at 564 ?N 1010E    (JA) 00:14 (AIR 50/288)
Lancaster LF182 550 Sqn attacked by aircraft at 12000 ft at 5638N 1020E (KA) 00:15 (AIR 50/273)
Lancaster NF907 « K2 » 626 Sqn attacked Ju 88 at 9000 ft at 56`37N 10`38E  (KB) 00:21 (AIR 27/2746)
Oblt. Fritz Brandt: 5           Stab II./NJG3 4-mot         LA (5-45 km. S.E.Randers)  1.600 m. 00.22 TW.  Lanc NE144 ditched off Anholt 01:00  #  2
Lancaster PA161 300 Sqn reports a/c in flames. Exploded on ground 5640N 1010E     (KU) 00:23 (AIR 27/1658)  # 2
Lancaster LN225 86 OTU attacked by twin eng aircraft at 17000 ft at 5405N 0550E (AK) 00:25 (AIR 50/495)
Lancaster LM290 « W2 » 626 Sqn attacked by ME 410 at 13000 ft at 5526N 1205E   (PE) 00:26 (AIR 50/286)
Lancaster ED327 300 Sqn crashed Kattegat near Anholt ( JD) 00:27 (FT)
Lancaster KB709 328 sqn crashed Kattegat near Anholt ( KC-KD) 00:30 (FT)
Fortress HB787 214 Sqn attacked by fighter at 5428N 0600E   (SN-SO) 00:30 (AIR 27/1323)
Lancaster PB467 576 Sqn attacked by ME 210 at 11000 ft at 5630N 1200E  (OD) 00:30 (AIR 50/276)
Lancaster NE144 460 Sqn dropped mine S of Randers (Exploded) (LU-LA) App.00:30 (F/L Humpfries) # 2
Ofw. Herbert Giesecke : 5    3./NJG3   4-mot   NC-ND-OD (N-N.W. of Seeland Island) 3.000 m. 00.31 TW.  # 3
Lancaster LF182 550 Sqn attacked at 12000 ft by fighter at 5630N 1135E   (LD) 00:32 (AIR 50/273)
Sejrø lighthouse reports a/c down in flames at 45 degree. Distance unknown. (MC-MD-LD) 00:32 (LBUK) # 3
Holbæk reports a/c down in flames in NW direction 00:32 (LBUK)  # 3
Lancaster ?D299 218 Sqn attacked by Me 110 at 5630N 1210E at ? 5000 ft   (LE)  00:33 (AIR 50/234)
Lancaster PB259 218 Sqn attacked at 9000 ft by 110 4 minutes off Swedish coast 00:35 (Steve Smith)
Lt. Ludger Krimphove: 1      Stab I./NJG7  4-mot     NG-LG (Eslöy-Markaryd area) 8.100 m. 00:35 TW. Poss. 101 Sqn Lancaster LL757
Lancaster HK601 75 Sqn attacked by JU 88 at 5623N 1140E  8000 ft       (LD)  00 :36  (AIR 50/192)
Lancaster PB153 166 Sqn attacked by Ju 88 at 5648N 0850E   9000 ft  (JS) 00:39 (AIR 50/224+ 27/1090)
Lancaster LM141 300 Sqn reports a/c on fire in steep dive. Explosion seen through the clouds. Pos. 5623N 1010E. (LA) 00:42 (AIR 27/1658) # 2
Lancaster NF953 15 sqn attacked by ME 109  5627N 1205E at 7000 ft    (LE) 00:43 (Steve Smith)
Ogefr. Walter Schuster: 1    3./NJG3      4-mot         LF-LG (N. to N.E. Ängelholm) 3.600 m. 00.45 TW. Prob. 626 Sqn Lancaster ME742
Fw. Gottfried Schneider: 17 1./NJG3      4-mot         KG (10-40 km. E. Halmstad)  4.000 m. 00.45 TW
Ju 88 710525 4./NJG 3. Chrashed in the sea NW Stolpemünde 00:45  (Balss)
Lancaster RD588 50 Sqn crashed N of Hälsingborg Sweden 00:45 (LBUK)  # 4
Lancaster LM220 550 Sqn saw a Me 410 attack another Lancaster at 5623N 1233E     (LF) 00:47 (AIR 50/273)
Lancaster LM220 550 Sqn attacked by Me 410 at 11000 ft at 5625N 1233E   (LF)  00:47 (AIR 50/273)
Maj. Werner Husemann: 27 Stab I./NJG3  Lancaster       LG-LH (E Hälsingborg (Sweden) 3.300 m 00.48 TW.  50 Sqn Lancaster ED588 # 4
Lancaster Y 428 Sqn attacked by Ju 88 at 5620N 1246E          (LF) 
(The Lancaster had just seen the Ju 88 shoot another Lancaster down in flames)
00:48 (AIR 50/257)
Lancaster ND392 460 Sqn attacked by Me 110 at 12000 ft 5630N 1230E    (KF) 
Saw a ball of fire from E/A stb wing. Claimed as destroyed.
00:49 (AIR 50/265+27/1911)
Lancaster LM690 50 Sqn attacked by Ju 88 at 5457N 1755E (Sea N of Zamowiec) 00:50 (AIR 50/188)
Lancaster PD242 166 Sqn attacked by Fw 190  at 5622N 1300E   11000 ft       (LG) 
Claimed as probably destroyed.
00:52 (AIR 50/224+27/1090)
Fw. Gottfried Schneider: 18 1./NJG3          4-mot             LG (5-50 km. N.E. to E. Ängelsholm) 3.500 m. 00.53 TW
Lancaster PD219 622 Sqn attacked by He 219at 8000 ft at 14?5N 0520E ???? 01:00 (Steve Smith)
Lancaster JA940 83 Sqn attacked by Fw 190 at 4928N 1110E (2 miles S of Nüremburg) (TC)
Hits observed on E/A
01:01 (AIR 50/197)
Lancaster NE144 460 sqn crashed Kattegat near Anholt (IC-ID) 01:00 (F/L Humpfries) # 2
Lancaster EE193 crashed Kattegat near Sejrø (NB-MB) 01:00 (LBUK+FT)
Lancaster PA159 90 Sqn attacked at 5329N 1602E (target area Stettin) 18000 ft 01:04 (AIR 27/737)
Oblt. Dieter Barth: 2            Eins Kt./NJG102                  Lancaster       4 km. S. Jesau 01.17 TW
Lancaster PB777 61 Sqn attacked by Ju 88 at 5420N 2010E at 8500 ft (NE of Elbcag SW Laliningrad) 01:18 (AIR 50/191+27/582))
Maj. Werner Husemann: 28 Stab I./NJG3  Lancaster       N. Ystad: 2.800 m. 01.19 TW. 75 Sqn Lancaster HK594
Lancaster FB356 619 Sqn attacked by ME 109 at 10000 ft at 5436N 2400E (Königsberg) 01:20 (AIR 50/281) 109 hit and seen to explode in air.
Oblt. Rolf Bussmann: 24      10./NJG5        4-mot             W. Kranz: 2.400 m. 01.21 TW
Lt. Otto Keller: 11     NJG5   Lancaster     SA (Kieler Bay, 5-35 km. E. Kappeln)  2.700 m 01.23 TW
Lancaster PB424 44 Sqn attacked in target area    (Königsberg)                                        01:23 (AIR 50/186)
Uffz. Bauer or Dober (?): 1  11./NJG5        4-mot             Königsberg: 2.500 m. 01.25 TW
Lancaster ED602 619 Sqn attacked by JU 86 at 10000 ft over Königsberg  01:29 (AIR 50/281)
Lancaster PA973 97 Sqn attacked by Fw 190 over Königsberg                                        01:30 (AIR 50/200)
Lt. Oberle: 2   1./NJG102      Lancaster       1 km. W. Hellgenheim 01.31 TW
Lancaster ND746  97 Sqn reports to see a Lancaster shot down by Fw 190 14 miles off Königsberg   01:31 (AIR 50/200)
Oblt. Ernst-Georg Drünkler: 26   1./NJG5    Lancaster    18 km. RA (N.W. Königsberg): 2.000 m. 01.32 TW
Fw.Otto Hiller: 4                  12./NJG5        4-mot             E. Königsberg: 2.000 m. 01.33 TW
LancasterED602 619 Sqn attacked by JU 88 when on Königsberg bomb run. Drop bombs over town at 6000 ft 01:34 (AIR 27/2131)
Maj. Werner Hoffmann: 41  Stab I./NJG5  Lancaster       (RA), 25 km. NW Königsberg: 3.300 m. 01.37 TW
Oblt. Hans-Heinrich Breitfeld: 4                9./NJG5          Lancaster       E. edge Königsberg: 2.800 m. 01.38 TW
Hptm. Rudolf Altendorf: 26 Stab IV./NJG5     Lancaster   Wegeberg/Königsberg: 2.600 m. 01.39 TW
Lancaster ND991 50 Sqn was attacked at 5430N 2100E (2400E ?) at 20000 ft.  (45 km SE Kaliningrad 01:42 (AIR 27/488)
Lancaster LM242 463 Sqn attacked by Ju 88/ Me 410 at 5445N 2023E 8250 ft ( 10 km N Pionerski over sea) 01:42 (AIR 50/266)
Oblt. Hans-Heinrich Breitfeld: 5                9./NJG5          Lancaster       W. Königsberg: 1.400 m 01.42 TW
Oblt. Peter Erhardt: 21         2./NJG5          Lancaster       S. Königsberg: 2.200 m. 01.43 TW
Fw. Schäfer: 1                      Eins Kt./NJG102                  Lancaster       RU-9 (Suterballig, N. Kappeln)  6.000 m. 01.44 TW
Oblt. Rolf Bussmann: 25      10./NJG5        4-mot             Königsberg: 1.400 m. 01.44 TW
Lancaster “D” 463 Sqn attacked by Do 217 at 8000 ft 5459N 2000E (10 km N Pionerski)
Claimed to have hit 217 and saw an aircraftt hit the water and explode 1 minute later. Believed to be 217.
01:44 (AIR 50/266)
Lancaster “D” 463 Sqn attacked by ME 210 at 8000 ft 5459N 2000E   (10 km N Pionerski) 01:44 (AIR 50/266)
Lancaster ND896 61 Sqn attacked while on Königsberg bomb run by ME 109. Dived to 4000 ft  Bombed  01:47 (AIR 27/579)
Lancaster LE536 619 Sqn attacked by ME 109 at 9500 ft 5443N 2033E (15 km N Zetenogradsk) 01:47 (AIR 50/281)
Fw. Schäfer: 2              Eins Kt./NJG102            Lancaster       Gross Haferbeck 01.48 TW
Lancaster LM645 44 Sqn attacked by JU 188 at 5447N 2014E 01:48 (AIR 50/186)
Oblt. Hans-Heinrich Breitfeld: 6     9./NJG5    Lancaster       W. edge Königsberg: 2.200 m. 01.48 TW
Lancaster MD863 106 sqn attacked by Ju 88 at 5445N 2018E  (10 km N Pionerski) 10000 ft 01:49 (AIR 50/208+27/838)
Hptm. Gustav Tham: 11       11./NJG5        4-mot             W. Königsberg: 7.000 m. 01.50 TW
Uffz. Georg Barchel: 3         11./NJG5        4-mot             W.N.W. Königsberg 01.50 TW
Lancaster DV383 207 Sqn attacked by aircraft over Königsberg at 11400 ft after bombing 01:53 (AIR 50/232)
Oblt. Scholl: 1            Eins Kt./NJG102            Lancaster       S.W. Pielenwisken: 7.000 m. 01.53 TW
Hptm. Alexander Graf Rességuier: 2       1./NJG5          Lancaster. Königsberg: 2.500 m. 01.53 TW
Lt. Oberle: 3   1./NJG102      Lancaster       Langeland 01.53 TW
Fw. Otto Hiller: 5                 12./NJG5        4-mot             RB Königsberg area: 2.500 m. 01.54 TW
Oblt. Scholl: 2                     Eins Kt./NJG102                  Lancaster       E. Stettin 01.55 TW
Oblt. Ernst-Georg Drünkler: 27    1./NJG5    Lancaster    RU 5, 30 km. N.W. Pillau: 5.500 m. 01.56 TW
Fw. Otto Hiller: 6     12./NJG5   4-mot   BB-1 (5-15 km. S. Siebenbäu, S.W. Lübeck) 3.000 m. 01.58 TW
Hptm. Rudolf Altendorf: 27 Stab IV./NJG5     Lancaster    BJ-1 (25 km. N.W. Stettin) 3.000 m. 01.59 TW
Lancaster PB141 582 Sqn attacked by JU 88 at 17000 ft at 5335N 1450E  over Stettin (CK-CL) 01:59 (AIR 50/278)
Lancaster PA159 90 Sqn attacked by aircraft at 5329N 1442E     (CK) 02:04 (AIR 50/199)
Mosquito W4097 239 Sqn claimed Ju88 at 5340N 1250E    (CF)
 (JU 88 seen to explode on ground)
02:05 No G1  Ju 88G-1 710861 of 3./NJG 2 crash Tellow (AIR 50/240 + Balss)
Lt. Kurt Welter: 24     1./NJG10     Lancaster    CJ-BJ (25 km. S.W. to N.W. Stettin) 4.800 m. 02.05 TW
Lancaster PA159 90 Sqn had combat with E/A on Königsberg bomb run. Bombed 02:06 (AIR 27/732)
Lancaster MD864 626 Sqn 14000 ft attacked bu FW 190 in target area over Stettin 02:06 (AIR 27/2143)
Lancaster KB781 419 Sqn attacked by Me 109 in target area Stettin at 18000 ft. 02:09 (AIR 50/251+27/1824)
Lancaster PD242 166 sqn attacked over target Stettin   17000 ft
Claims the E/A as probably destroyed.
02:10 (AIR 50/224+27/1090)
Ofw. Martin Kramer: 4         Stab NJG3      4-mot        FJ-FK (Küstrin) 3.900 m. 02.10 TW
Lancaster PB436 crashed Gunderupgaard (IT) Believed flak. App. 02:10 (LBUK)
Lt. Kurt Welter: 25              1.NJG10         Lancaster       . BJ-CJ (25 km N.W. to SW. Stettin) 3.900 m. 02.10 TW
Lt. Kurt Welter: 26              1./NJG10        Lancaster       BJ-CJ (25 km. N.W. to S.W. Stettin) 4.800 m. 02.12 TW
Lancaster ND381 103 Sqn attacked by ME 210 at 5343N 1400E     (BJ) 02:15 (AIR 50/206)
Lt. Kurt Welter: 27              1./NJG10        Lancaster       BJ-CJ (25 km. N.W. to S.W. Stettin) 4.800 m. 02.15 TW
Ju 88 714244 I./NJG 5. Fw Adans wounded by enemy fire over Königsberg 02:30 Balss
Lancaster FB905 550 Sqn attacked by Me 110 at 18000 ft at 5322N 1430E    (CK-BK) 02:17 (AIR 50/273)
Lancaster PB272 109 Sqn attacked by ME 410 at 5506N 1337E     (QG) 02:46 (AIR 50/206)
Lancaster LM275 550 Sqn attacked by ME 110 at 10000 ft at 5526N 1333E       (PG- PH) 02:52 (AIR 50/273)
Lancaster ND869 44 Sqn attacked by fighter at 5607N 1105E   (MB-MC) 02:54 (AIR 27/451)
Lancaster PA978 7 Sqn attacked by fighter at 5620N 1000E    (PU-PA) 03:20 (AIR 50/178)
Oblt. Hermann Leube: 19     4./NJG3          4-mot             NA (E. Horsens/W. Samsö Island) 3.800 m. 03.30 TW
Sejrø lighthouse reports a/c down in flames at 346 degree 5 miles (MB) 03:31 (LBUK)
Lancaster LM 689 626 Sqn attacked by FW 190 at 14000 ft at 56`21N 10`05E (MA) 03:34 (AIR 27/2146)
Lancaster LM116 103 Sqn crashed Karup (MT) App. 03:45 (LBUK)   # 5
Hptm. Ernst-Wilhelm Modrow: 28             1./NJG1          4-mot     LT (S. to S.W. Viborg) 3.000 m. 03.51 TW.  103 Sqn Lancaster LM116   # 5
Lancaster ME854 576 Sqn attacked by fighter at 12000 ft at 5619N 0804E   (LR)  03:53 (AIR 50/276)
Lancaster MB578 44 Sqn attacked by JU 88 at 5635N 1100E     (KB) 03:55 (AIR 50/186)
Oblt. Rudolf Szardenings: 8                      5./NJG3          4-mot             NR-3 (Dejberg, N.W. Skjern) 3.200 m. 03.58 TW.  101 Sqn Lancaster LM479  # 6
Lancaster LM479 101 Sqn crashed Dejbjerg    (MR-NR) App. 04:00 (LBUK+Report Skjern Police) # 6
Lancaster NE142 460 Sqn attacked by fighter at 5620N 0750E at 8000 ft     (MQ) 04:00 (AIR 50/265+27/1911)
Lancaster KB769 419 Sqn attacked by Ju88 at 5640N 0820E 10000 ft        (KQ)  04:03-05 (AIR 50/251+27/1824)
Lancaster ME735 576 Sqn attacked by JU 88 at 11000 ft at 5617N 0820E   (LR) 
Saw strikes on E/A fuselage and port wing
04:05 (AIR 50/276)
Hptm. Rolf Huck: 6              2./NJG3          Lancaster       UQ-UP (sea S to SW Heligoland) 3.000 m                       04.10 TW
Lancaster ND707 166 Sqn attacked by Ju 88 at 5558N 0650E   11000 ft   (NO-NP) Hits was observed on the E/A.(43-44 miles west of Hvide Sande) 04:14 (AIR 50/224+27/1090)
Lancaster LW373 467 Sqn attacked by Ju 88 at 10000 ft at 5638N 0730E   (KP) 04:37 (AIR 50/269)
Lancaster NF908 467 Sqn attacked by Ju88 at 8000 ft at 5636N 0750E     (KQ) 04:45 (AIR 50/269)


Night of 29/30 August 1944




Lancaster I PA163 crashed into Lovns Bredning bay 29/8 1944

Lancaster I LM184 crashed Aalestrup 29/8 1944

Lancaster III PB202 crashed at Førby Hede heath 30/8 1944

Lancaster X KB709 crashed in the sea of Kattegat 6 miles off the island of Anholt 30/8 1944

Lancaster III PB143 crashed at Ingerslev / Estruplund 30/8 1944

Lancaster III NE144 ditched in the sea of Kattegat off the island of Anholt 30/8 1944

Lancaster III EE193 crashed in the sea of Kattegat 30/8 1944

Lancaster I ME718 crashed at Ove 30/8 1944

Lancaster III PB436 crashed Gunderup 30/8 1944

Lancaster I LM116 crashed near Karup 30/8 1944

Lancaster III LM479 crashed Dejbjerg 30/8 1944


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