Airwar over Denmark

Airwar over Denmark

 By Søren C. Flensted


1939-1940 Updated 19/10-24
1941 Updated 28/4-22
1942 Updated 14/7-24
1943 Updated 15/4-24
1944 Updated 20/11-24
1945 Updated 4/12-22

1940 New 30/11-23
1941 New 23/7-21
1942 Updated 24/7-24
1943 Updated 28/1-23
1944 Updated 23/7-23
1945 Updated 16/7-23

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Stirling I W7615 shot down in the Baltic south of the island of Ærø on 20/8 1942.

The Stirling belonged to RAF 218 Sqn. Bomber Command and was coded HA-M.
T/O 20:25 Downham Market OP: Gardening Forgetmenot (Kiel Harbour).

At 23:46 hours W7615 was hit by flak from 1./lei Flak Abt. 828 and crashed into the Baltic Sea to the south of the island of Ærø. There were no survivors.
The crew consisted of Pilot P/O George McAuley DFC, Flt Engr. Sgt George L.A. Neale, Navigator F/S Stanley E. Stevens, Air Gnr. Sgt Eric Nettleton, W/Op F/S Brian W. Roberts, Air Gnr Sgt Albert E. Burkitt and Air Bomber Sgt Hiley R. Davies.


                                                     (Steve Smith)

Pilot P/O George McAuley DFC

The body of Sgt Hiley Davies was found drifted ashore near Fuglsbølle Sønderskov on 27/9 1942 and placed in a coffin. This was by train taken to Odense and placed in the chapel in Odense Assistenskirkegaard, covered with the English flag, until the burial on 1/10 at 08:00 hours.

The body of Sgt Stanley Stevens was on the morning of 21/9 found on the beach of Vemmingbund on the island of Als. It was taken to the chapel in Sønderborg hospital, and the German Ortskommandanturen in Aabenraa was informed. Stevens was laid to rest in Aabenraa cemetery on 22/9 1942.

Today Nettleton rests in Kiel, while the rest of the crew have no known graves and are commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial.


                                               (Steve Smith)







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