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Hampden I AT227 crashed in the North Sea on 19/7-1942.
The aircraft belonged to RCAF (RAF) 408 Sqn. Bomber Command and was coded EQ-L.
T/O 08:40 Balderton. OP: Moling Area 3A.
Some 50 kilometres north west of Vlieland AT227 collided with Bf 110F4 night
fighter werknummer 2676 coded R4+GN from 5./NJG 2 piloted by Unteroffizier Roman
Brejeczek and funker Gefreiter Wolfgang Benna killing all onboard the two
On 9/9 the body of Pilot P/O Edward Swatton was found on Lild Strand beach and
was laid to rest in Frederikshavn cemetery on 11/9-1942.
The rest of the British crew consisting of Sgt Roland Henry Burley, Sgt Edward
Haville and P/O Harold Pearce have no known graves and are commemorated on the
Runnymede Memorial.
The German crew have no known graves.
Sources: CWGC, KF, BF, RL 2 III/762, BCL.
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