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Stirling I R9310 crashed in Store Bælt near Asnæs on 18/5
The Stirling belonged to RAF 149 Sqn. Bomber Command and wore the code OJ-P.
T/O Lakenheath 21:37 OP: Gardening Daffodils (Southern entrance to Øresund).
On its way to the target area R9210 was hit by flak from Sperrfeuer batterie
299,300 and 301 as well as 4./MAA 508 by Nyborg.
The Stirling continued towards
north east, and at 01:40 hours it crashed into the waters of Store Bælt to the
southeast of Asnæs. All on board lost their lives.
The dead body of Air Gnr. Sgt
William Collins was found near Nyrup road by Kalundborg on July 9, and laid to
rest in Sct Olai cemetery in Kalundborg on July 10 1942.
2 Pilot P/O Gordon W.
Coldwell was found by Bjerge Aas, Kalundborg on July 10 and laid to rest in Sct
Olai on July 14.
On July 20 W/Op Sgt Alfred H. Smith was fund by the tip of Asnæs and laid to rest in Sct Olai on July 23.
On the 25 of July Flt Engr. Sgt
James H. Baillie was found by Badstrup beach and laid to rest in Sct Olai on
July 27.
All the above burials at Sct Olai were performed by a German
Oberleutnant with no ecclesiastical contribution.
On August 8 Observer P/O
Reginald P. Gent was found by Vesterskov on Asnæs. The body was brought to
Værløse Air Base and laid to rest on Værløse cemetery on August 11-1942. The
ceremony was undertaken by a Danish priest and the German army chaplain with
participation of a Luftwaffe guard of honour.
Pilot P/O Arthur J. Frost and Air
Gnr. Sgt John Currie have no known graves and are commemorated on the Runnymede
Pilot P/O Arthur J. Frost
(Toby Brewer)
Pilot P/O Arthur J. Frost
(Bent Løwe)
(Bent Løwe)
(Bent Løwe)
Sources: CWGC, LBUK, UA, RL 19/454, AS, FAF, T501.
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