Airwar over Denmark

Airwar over Denmark

 By Søren C. Flensted


1939-1940 Updated 19/10-24
1941 Updated 28/4-22
1942 Updated 14/7-24
1943 Updated 15/4-24
1944 Updated 20/11-24
1945 Updated 4/12-22

1940 New 30/11-23
1941 New 23/7-21
1942 Updated 24/7-24
1943 Updated 28/1-23
1944 Updated 23/7-23
1945 Updated 16/7-23

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Wellington II Z8521 crash landed near Højer on 29/4-1942.

The aircraft belonged to RAF 158 Sqn. Bomber Command and was coded NP-N.
T/O 22:02 Driffield. OP: Kiel.

When approaching the Danish coast Z8521 was hit by flak from 1./ 836 located near Esbjerg, and had to make a crash landing near Emmelev church north of Højer at 03:30 in the morning.

The crew set fire to the aircraft and walked away. At 04:40 the Danish police in Højer reported that two flyers had been caught and handed over to the Wehrmacht in Ribe.
At 15:00 in the afternoon two more flyers were caught and handed over to the Wehrmacht in Ribe, and on 30/4 at 13:40 the last crewmember was caught by the police in Harris and handed over to the Wehrmacht in Hjerpsted.
It appears that one of the first four flyers captured was wounded in one leg and was taken by ambulance to Esbjerg.




On 30/4 around noon three of the prisoners was sent by train to Kolding and further on to Germany guarded by a Luftwaffe Feldwebel and three privates.
The day after one more flyer followed escorted by an Unteroffizier and a private soldier. This flyer was describes as being an officer. In both cases the German Feldgendarmerie at Kolding railway station made a formal complaint to the Danish police about Danes being too friendly to the prisoners. 

Pilot Officer Peter E. Gates Arrived at Dulag Luft at Oberursel near Frankfurt am Main on 2/5-42 and stayed until 5/5-42 when he was sent to Stalag Luft III Sagan where he stayed from 6/5-42 until 28/1-45 when he was moved to Stalag IIIR Luchenwalde where he stayed from 4/2-45 to 7/5-45.

W/O Glyndwr G. Rees was after questioning at Dulag Luft transferred to Stalag Luft III Sagan where he stayed from 6/5-42 to 10/6-42. He was then moved to Stalag Luft VI at Heydekrug where he stayed from 12/6-43 to 11/7-44. He arrived in Stalag 357 Thorn on 13/7-44 and left again on 4/8-44. He finally stayed in Stalag 357 Fallingbostel from 6/8-44 to 9/4-45.

Pilot F/S Lachlan McKay was sent to Dulag Luft Oberursel for interrogation and afterwards sent to Stalag Luft III Sagan where he stayed from 8/5-42 to 13/10-42 when he was send on to Stalag Luft I at Barth where he stayed from 15/10-42 to 30/10-43. He tried to escape on 8/8 1943 but was caught and spent time in the cooler. On 3/11-43 he arrived in Stalag Luft VI at Heydekrug where he stayed until 15/7-44 when he was sent to Stalag Luft IV at Gross Tychow where he arrived on 19/7-44. On 6/2-45 he left Tyschow and arrived at Stalag Luft XIB Fallingbostel on 29/3-45. On 6/4-45 he was released from the camp.

After questioning at Dulag Luft F/O Wallace H. Betts was sent to Stalag Luft III Sagan where he stayed from 8/5-42 to 16/6-43. Next camp was Stalag Luft VI Heydekrug from 18/6-43 to 17/7-44. Then Stalag 357 Thorn from 18/7-44 to 10/8-44 and finally Stalag 357 Fallingbostel from 12/8-44 to 5/4-45. He was then sent on a march across the Elbe river to Kulpin. On 28/4-45 he escaped and contacted British troops near Ratzeburg.

Sgt Alfred W. Abbott who had been wounded in the leg had been taken to a hospital in Esbjerg and was only sent to Dulag Hospital Hohenmark near Frankfurt sometime in May 42. Here he was placed in solitary confinement without medical treatment for 8 days while being interrogated. In July he was sent to a hospital in Stadtroda where he stayed until September 42. Next stop was Stalag IVc Molesdorf from September 1942 to January 43. Here he tried to escape but was recaptured outside the compound.Then Stalag Luft I Barth from January 43 to October 1943. Then Stalag Luft VI Heydekrug from November 43 to July 44. Stalag Luft IV Gross Tychow from July 44 to February 45 and finally Stalag XIB Fallingb0stel from March 45 to April 45.

Sources : RL 19/454+472, AS 70-89, AS 34-350, LBUK, KT, OLCB, T501, Wo 344/203/1, Wo 344/27/2, Wo 344/1/1, Wo 344/117/1, Wo 244/65/2.



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