Airwar over Denmark

Airwar over Denmark

 By Søren C. Flensted


1939-1940 Updated 19/10-24
1941 Updated 28/4-22
1942 Updated 14/7-24
1943 Updated 15/4-24
1944 Updated 20/11-24
1945 Updated 4/12-22

1940 New 30/11-23
1941 New 23/7-21
1942 Updated 24/7-24
1943 Updated 28/1-23
1944 Updated 23/7-23
1945 Updated 16/7-23

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Blenheim IV R3904 crashed two km. east of Aabybro on 13/8-1940.

The aircraft belonged to RAF 82 Sqn. Bomber Command and was coded UX- F.
T/o 0840 Watton OP:Aalborg.

R3904 had been hit by flak over the target and Pilot P/O “Benny” B.T.J. Newland tried desperately to stay with the rest of the A flight when he was attacked by fighters. Newland was hit in his left shoulder and was aware that both Observer Sgt. Cyril Ankers and Air gunner Sgt. Kenneth Turner had been hit and were either wounded or killed. He called for them to get out and opened the escape hatch over his head, and was sucked out by the airstream.

The aircraft crashed north of Kongstedgård farm east of Aabybro. Newland landed in parachute not far from the crash site where he was met by the local farmer Niels Vad. Newlands first question was: What time is it ?

Shortly after a German motorcycle with sidecar arrived and took Newland to Fliegerhorst Aalborg West. Eventually he was taken to the German Lazarett at Kamilianerklinikken hospital in Aalborg.

After about a week he was sent to Germany Dulag Luft near Frankfurt for quistioning. Afterwards he was sent to Offlag IX A/H Schloss Spangenberg from where he was later moved to Stalag Luft III Sagan.

Ankers and Turner were laid to rest in Vadum cemetery on 16/8 1940.




The burning wreckage.


  (Via Clausen, Aalborg)



        (Lydia Newland)

Pilot P/O “Benny” B.T.J. Newland


 (Lydia Newland)

From POW-camp


 (Lydia Newland)


                       (Ole Rønnest)

Air gunner Sgt. Kenneth Turner  




Sources: Ole Rønnest, Aabybro, LBUK, OLCB, CWGC.


Links to the other crashed aircrafts:

August 13 1940 attack on Aalborg West

Blenheim IV R1933 crashed in Restrup enge on 13/8-1940

Blenheim IV R3800 crashed in Limfjorden on 13/8-1940

Blenheim IV R2772 ditched in Limfjorden north of Egholm island on 13/8-1940

Blenheim IV R3821 crashed at Aalborg West on 13/8-1940

Blenheim IV R3829 crashed in Torpet Kær, Vadum on 13/8-1940

Blenheim IV R3904 crashed two km. east of Aabybro on 13/8-1940

Blenheim IV T1827 crashed two km. east of Kaas on 13/8-1940

Blenheim IV R3802 crashed two km. east of Kaas 13/8-1940

Blenheim IV T1934 crashed in Tranum dune plantation 13/8-1940

Blenheim IV R3913 crashed in Tranum dune plantation 13/8-1940

Blenheim IV T1889 crash landed near Vust 13/8-1940


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